Monday, July 30, 2007

Nanotechnology Comes to Armor

There is a company in Israel called ApNano that has the technology to produce armor that is five times stronger than steel and twice the strength of the best impact/shock resistant materials out on the market today. The new nano-armor should be ready for commercial sale by 2008.

The material used is some kind of inorganic compound restructured, or synthesized I think is the operative term, to give the material its remarkable durability and strength. And that's durability and strength with a capital D and S. In laboratory tests, the material withstood the shock pressures generated by the impacts of up to 250 tons per square centimeter. After close examination, the sampled material remained totally identical to the original material.

At the time of writing, which was December 2005, they were on the hunt for financial backers and I don't think they'd have trouble finding them. War has been and always will be a racket. And to be honest, I wasn't that surprised that it was Israel who was churning out this new armor for the future - for the soldiers of tomorrow. This plainly states, to me, that there will be no peace in the middle east... not in our lifetimes anyway. And when there's money to be made in war, you know they will not have the slightest problem in selling those like hot cakes.

I'll tell you what, how 'bout using this technology to help people with their knee and hip replacements or those who need new limbs? I'm sure the auto manufacturers will love to put this in their future automobiles. And if you're going to prolong the conflict there, and this might be asking too much, at least offer to retrofit some citizens' homes with this new armor so they don't have to die needlessly from bombs and wild gunfire. This should be pennies in your pockets compared to what you'll earn by selling this armor to warmongers.

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