Monday, September 10, 2007

Choosing The Right Ram For Your Computer And Installing It

A few months ago I decided to upgrade my Toshiba laptop's RAM from 1 GB to 2 GB. For some reason the user manual didn't mention what model or type of RAM I needed. It only mentioned that I had two 512 RAM slots. No biggy, as a quick search on Google brought me to Crucial. There you can select your brand, model and then receive a list of compatible modules. You can either purchase it from their website or use the information and buy the module at your local electronics store. I did the latter.

I'm more of a do-it-yourselfer and when I read the user manual, it explained that replacing RAM would be require only a few steps. Well, what the user manual didn't explain was that there's only one slot located in the bottom of the laptop and the other underneath the damn keyboard. Even Toshiba's website doesn't tell you that - WTF? So after replacing the one in the bottom I only had one and a half gigs - lame. I was panicking as I didn't have the slightest clue how to take apart the laptop in the proper order to replace the module under the keyboard.

Fortunately, I was able to search Google again and found a site that explains in great detail how to take out the parts needed to get to the slot - that was a definite lifesaver. I wish I'd kept url so I can publicly thank him here. One thing I should mention is that you should have a basic knowledge of ESD (electrostatic discharge) and how to prevent it. I'm a certified Apple Desktop Technician so those basics are already ingrained in my gray matter. Do a quick search on the net and you'll find the do's and don'ts. All in all it took less than 20 minutes to get my computer to recognize the full 2 GB. Phew!

So, don't despair, if you want to do it yourself just do a search on the internet and you're bound to find a great tutorial like I did. If not, well so sorry. Looks like you'll have to spend the extra cashola to get a techie to install it for you.

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