Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Subconscious - Can It Reveal True Meaning Through Reverse Speech?

I always wondered about the validity of playing a recording backwards, where you hear subliminal messages. We used to do it for fun as kids but I really couldn't make out anything as I didn't have a way to slow it down. Can these messages be so shocking as to reveal the true thoughts of a person(s)? It's mind boggling how that can be connected to our subconscious; it's like our regular words and thoughts are a mask for what we really mean in our hearts.

I got the clip below from a friend at MySpace who was playing around with a few audio clips and what he heard after playing them backwards was pretty scary. I added another clip below that from Youtube... it seems there's a website called that's totally into this. Is this a case of people having too much time on their hands? Do you think there's some truth to this?

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