Got an idea? Then pitch it at It's a web channel where people can share ideas about new services, products, etc., to fellow entrepreneurs and maybe land that much needed seed money from investors.
Signing up is free and after building a profile, you can pitch your ideas by uploading a video, PPT or PDF for users to see and comment on. You can build a network by inviting friends or browsing through the online community and joining groups of like-minded individuals. Additionally, the website provides excellent tips like making a compelling three-minute pitch and more. Here are a few other suggestions/tips from their website:
- No more than 3 minutes
- Be original
- Demonstrate your value proposition
- Make it fun and entertaining
- Explain the market size/opportunity
- Avoid interview style presentations (boring!)
- Tell us what keeps you up at night
- If you're a budding business or existing one, tell us why you are better than your rivals? (And don't say you don't have any!)
- How are you going to make money?
- What was the original need that sparked the idea?
- What if it fails?