Friday, August 10, 2007

Protect Mp3s On Your Computer

We all enjoy keeping music in our hard drive. How would a music collector feel when all of music files have been eaten up by a mischievous worm? That’s exactly what W32.Deletemusic worm does, if it makes its way onto your computer.

It will delete all your .mp3 files from your computer without your notice. The worm infects all machines running on Windows (Windows 95 – Vista). Once infected, the worm copies itself on all your drives (including portable flash drives) and spreads from one computer to another.

The worm doesn’t care if the music is legitimate or not. It straight away deletes all mp3 files, include those which you’ve ripped from CDs, legally downloaded, or self-created music. Of course, it can be removed from your system, but you won’t be getting back your music if it’s too late. So next time you plug-in a flash drive from your friend, make sure that you run a virus scanner on it. Go update your virus definition before it’s too late.

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